The following is a sampling of first rate texts in paperback that can inspire and guide one along the Path. This collection is weighted towards writings from the Zen and Theravada traditions simply because they are the ones that the compiler has had the most practical experience with. The most important thing is to walk the Path and if a text inspires and helps one to do that it has served its true purpose.
A Still Forest Pool: The Insight Meditation Of Achaan Cha, Edited By Jack Kornfeld, Paperback, Quest books. A wonderful collection of insightful talks on meditation practice by one of Thailand's great masters.
Dialogues In A Dream: The Life And Zen Teachings Of Muso Soseki, Translated By Thomas Yuho Kirchner, Paperback, Wisdom Publications. An important translation of a collection of priceless teachings by one of the great Japanese Zen masters.
Great Disciples Of The Buddha: Their Lives, Their Work, Their Legacy, By Nyanaponika Thera and Hellmuth Hecker, Edited By Bhikkhu Bodhi, Paperback, Wisdom Publications. A very inspiring collection of biographies of some of the Buddha's most accomplished students.
Novice To Master: An Ongoing Lesson In The Extent Of My Own Stupidity, By Soko Morinaga, Translated By Belenda Yamakawa, Paperback, Wisdom Publications. A very entertaining and inspiring autobiography of a twentieth century Japanese Zen Master.
Peace Is Every Step: The Path Of Mindfulness In Everyday Life, By The Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh, Edited by Arthur Kotler, With a forward by H. H. The Dalai Lama, Paperback, Bantam Books. A sensitive, helpful collection of teachings on the art of attaining peace by a well known contemporary master.
Step By Step: Meditations On Wisdom And Compassion, By Maha Ghosananda, Paperback, Parallax Press. Short, inspiring teachings on the practice of the Buddha Way by a Nobel Peace Prize nominee and true master of the practice of loving kindness.
Subtle Sound: The Zen Teachings Of Maurine Stuart, By Sherry Chayat, Paperback, Shambhala. A collection of teachings by Maurine Stuart Roshi, beloved past teacher of the Cambridge Buddhist Association.
The Dhammapada, Translated By Ananda Maitreya, Paperback, Parallax Press. An excellent translation of an inspiring and highly venerated collection of the Buddha's teachings.
The Heart Of Dogen's Shobogenzo, Translated By Norman Waddell and Masao Abe, Paperback, SUNY Press. A very fine translation of the core teachings of one of the truly great Japanese masters of Zen practice.
The Path to Bodhidharma: The Teachings Of Shodo Harada Roshi, Jane Lago Editor, Priscilla Daichi Storandt Translator, Paperback, Tuttle. A compilation of the practice oriented teachings of a highly respected contemporary Zen master.
The Three Pillars Of Zen, Edited By Roshi Philip Kapleau, Paperback, Anchor. A true classic of Buddhist literature, this book is packed with practical guidance for anyone who would like to engage in the actual practice of Buddhist meditation.
The Zen Teaching Of Huang Po: On The Transmission Of Mind, Translated By John Blofeld, Preface By P'ei Hsiu, Paperback, Grove Press. John Blofeld's classic translation of the teachings of one of the great Chinese Zen masters.
What The Buddha Taught, By Walpola Rahula, Paperback, Grove Press. A fine, classic introduction to Buddhism, largely from the perspective of Theravada teachings.
Wild Ivy: The Spiritual Autobiography of Zen Master Hakuin, Translated By Norman Waddell, Paperback, Published By Shambhala Publications. A fine translation of the entertaining and illuminating autobiography of a towering master of Japanese Zen Buddhism.
A Still Forest Pool: The Insight Meditation Of Achaan Cha, Edited By Jack Kornfeld, Paperback, Quest books. A wonderful collection of insightful talks on meditation practice by one of Thailand's great masters.
Dialogues In A Dream: The Life And Zen Teachings Of Muso Soseki, Translated By Thomas Yuho Kirchner, Paperback, Wisdom Publications. An important translation of a collection of priceless teachings by one of the great Japanese Zen masters.
Great Disciples Of The Buddha: Their Lives, Their Work, Their Legacy, By Nyanaponika Thera and Hellmuth Hecker, Edited By Bhikkhu Bodhi, Paperback, Wisdom Publications. A very inspiring collection of biographies of some of the Buddha's most accomplished students.
Novice To Master: An Ongoing Lesson In The Extent Of My Own Stupidity, By Soko Morinaga, Translated By Belenda Yamakawa, Paperback, Wisdom Publications. A very entertaining and inspiring autobiography of a twentieth century Japanese Zen Master.
Peace Is Every Step: The Path Of Mindfulness In Everyday Life, By The Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh, Edited by Arthur Kotler, With a forward by H. H. The Dalai Lama, Paperback, Bantam Books. A sensitive, helpful collection of teachings on the art of attaining peace by a well known contemporary master.
Step By Step: Meditations On Wisdom And Compassion, By Maha Ghosananda, Paperback, Parallax Press. Short, inspiring teachings on the practice of the Buddha Way by a Nobel Peace Prize nominee and true master of the practice of loving kindness.
Subtle Sound: The Zen Teachings Of Maurine Stuart, By Sherry Chayat, Paperback, Shambhala. A collection of teachings by Maurine Stuart Roshi, beloved past teacher of the Cambridge Buddhist Association.
The Dhammapada, Translated By Ananda Maitreya, Paperback, Parallax Press. An excellent translation of an inspiring and highly venerated collection of the Buddha's teachings.
The Heart Of Dogen's Shobogenzo, Translated By Norman Waddell and Masao Abe, Paperback, SUNY Press. A very fine translation of the core teachings of one of the truly great Japanese masters of Zen practice.
The Path to Bodhidharma: The Teachings Of Shodo Harada Roshi, Jane Lago Editor, Priscilla Daichi Storandt Translator, Paperback, Tuttle. A compilation of the practice oriented teachings of a highly respected contemporary Zen master.
The Three Pillars Of Zen, Edited By Roshi Philip Kapleau, Paperback, Anchor. A true classic of Buddhist literature, this book is packed with practical guidance for anyone who would like to engage in the actual practice of Buddhist meditation.
The Zen Teaching Of Huang Po: On The Transmission Of Mind, Translated By John Blofeld, Preface By P'ei Hsiu, Paperback, Grove Press. John Blofeld's classic translation of the teachings of one of the great Chinese Zen masters.
What The Buddha Taught, By Walpola Rahula, Paperback, Grove Press. A fine, classic introduction to Buddhism, largely from the perspective of Theravada teachings.
Wild Ivy: The Spiritual Autobiography of Zen Master Hakuin, Translated By Norman Waddell, Paperback, Published By Shambhala Publications. A fine translation of the entertaining and illuminating autobiography of a towering master of Japanese Zen Buddhism.